Jonathan Sherwood's paintings of the Usk
Jonathan Sherwood's paintings of the Usk The footbridge takes you from the City centre to the relatively newly developed riverbank on the other side. The footpath winds past blocks of flats and the Old bus depot then under George St Bridge. For a short distance the route is litter strewn until you reach more modern flats. The rest of the way to Spytty, Lysaghts Institute and the White City bridge that you glimpse across the river in front of you. As you approach the bridge along the riverbank, partially hidden by bushes and trees, you might notice that as the river flows to the right towards the City Bridge, it appears to split into two, the larger course towards the bridge and the smaller to the left of a large tree topped outcrop. This virtual island splits the river in two and is surrounded by river mud. The left hand course of the river is a narrow stream that surrounds the outcrop on one side nearest to the riverbank. The unusual feature is about a quarter of a mile long and ...